Europairs  GmbH

Aviation Consulting Experience since 2002


Eckhard Bergmann has an engeneering degree and is a flightengineer

2022 he had more than 20 years of consulting experience in over 21 airlines and aviation organisations in seven European countries and more than 40 years of experience in the aviation industry

Additional experiences as:

  • boardmember of an aviation professional organisation 
  • negotiation team leader for aircrew collective agreements and individual contracts
  • team member in political negotiations between EU aviation social partner organisations in Brussels
  • aviation Technical  Research Officer and Industrial Manager
  • Flightengineer (17 years, 10,000 hours medium-/long-haul on Boeing B-727 and Lockheed L-1011 TRISTAR)
  • TRI for L-1011 pilots and flightengineers
  • LTI for L-1011 flightengineers
  • instructor in captains upgrading courses (B-757/767)